Blog site for 'La Academia', a non-profit art+tech educational component at the Boys and Girls Clubs of San Dieguito.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Este dibujo... Todo un mundo super-energía pop-wow extraterrestre de acción.


Wonderful art by one of our contributing members. The details are very well done, and the images are fun too!


¡Ya llega el otoño !!! Para celebrar, los miembros aprendieron a crear superficies 'organicas', mezclando pinturas parcialmente. Fantástico para crear hojas multi-color.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Lesson 3- Translation:
(links: lesson, quiz)
This is the 3rd lesson of the term, introducing a new important concept in 'technology art': 'translation'. As opposed to 'transfer', where the artistic and technological focus is on the physical translation of images, 'transfer' concerns itself with conceptual ('instructional') translations. For this, the ideal focus is the 'instruction' concept of programming, which, over several lessons, will highlight a range of activities, from programming of graphics software and robots, to various methods of 'communicating' with robots in the physical world. Today we begin with the students leading a 'Scribbler Robot' to design an image of a 'family tree'.


Lección 1- Introducción:
(ligas: lección, examen)
Disculpen que esta lección esté fuera de orden, pero hemos estado inventando todo, en estos primeros meses. En este primer taller presentamos los conceptos de 'tecnología ubicua' y 'arte tecnológico', resaltando la importancia de los siguientes aspectos: la comunidad de Eden Gardens, conocimientos sobre electricidad, microprocesadores, y arte contemporáneo.